False Creek Hike- Segment II

This segment of False Creek picks up at Habitat Island and goes to Granville Island. Here we find Vancouver’s $100,000 question: “Should I Be Worried?”. Can also get a glimpse of the Granville Bridge as well as some pricy waterfront apartments and condos. I haven’t checked how much they cost, but generally waterfront + Vancouver = Expensive.

Should I be worried post in Vancouver
The sky is getting awful dark to the north, maybe I should be worried. The people in the canoe really should worry
Pricy apartments on False Creek in Vancouver
This vis the kind of home I want. However,I’m sure its out of my range.
Granville Bridge crossing False Creek
And the view I would have.
Granville Bridge
An odd shaped building is coming into view.
Storm clouds rolling in..
The neo-futurist Vancouver House is that building that looks like it’s about to fall over!
expensive apartment along False Creek
Would not mind this place either. I’m sure its also out of my range.