Kits Point

The fourth segment of this hike starts upon leaving Granville Island. Mu path goes around Kits Point and
there are some quite spectacular homes here, some with a city and waterfront view. I mentioned in the
previous post that I wanted one of those apartments. However, these homes would be fine too, although
the upkeep would be a nightmare.

False Creek Waterfront apartments
A plethora of apartments and condos can be found along the south shore of False Creek.
False Creek Waterfront apartments
This one has it’s own pond with a fountain.
The Museum of Vancouver (MOV)
Looks like a flying saucer landed back there. Actually its The Museum of Vancouver or MOV.
Mouth of False Creek Vancouver
Nearing the end or mouth of False Creek
English Bay, Vancouver
Now looking out over English Bay. Stanley Park in the foreground and West Vancouver in the background.
Fine homes in Kits Point
The apartments end and these fine homes in Kits Peak Begin.
Fine homes in Kits Point
Some more fine homes
Fine homes in Kits Point
This one has quite a view
Fine homes in Kits Point
Like the design of these.
Fine homes in Kits Point