Gastown, Home of the Steam Clock

Just east of the Waterfront Station is historic Gastown. At Cambie and Water Street is the famous Steam Clock. The clock is fully steam powered and the steam also provides the Westminster sound marking the time. Although it appears much older, this clock was built in 1977 to cover an exposed steam grate.

Inside Vancouver's Waterfront Station.
Inside Vancouver’s Waterfront Station.
Typical street lamp in Gastown.
Typical street lamp in Gastown.
Steamworks brewpub in Gastown.
Steamworks brewpub in Gastown.
Wedge building at Cordova and Water Street.
I like this wedge building at Cordova and Water Street.
Gastown's famous steam powered clock.
Gastown’s famous steam powered clock.
Heading down Abbott St.
Heading down Abbott St. to have dinner.
International Village Globe
International Village Globe
Vancouver's Science Center
Vancouver’s Science Center lit up at night.