
View of sydney airport
The view from my room, nice view of the Sydney International.took another y

Took another trip to the Sydney Fish Market then would make my way over to Darling Harbour. On the way there, I passed through a small, quaint community of Prymont. A lot of small shops and cafes are found here. Also liked the historic architecture, somewhat reminding me of old New England architecture.

Sydney skyline from central station
Sydney Central Station
Sydney’s Central Station, get just about anywhere from here.

View of sydney airport
The view from my room, nice view of the Sydney International.

St Leonards- Crows Nest

After passing North Sydney, which resembles A second city center, I came upon what looked like a third city center. This is St Leonards. I saw the buildings and was curious of what is here.
View of sydney airport
The view from my room, nice view of the Sydney International
Greeted by this fountian leaving the train station
Greeted by this fountian leaving the train station

North Sydney, Sydney’s Other Downtown

It almost appears that Sydney has two city centers, but the smaller city skyline to the north is actually North Sydney. When I first saw the skyline of North Sydney, it sort of resembled St. Paul, MN. Not exactly though, although some of the architecture and buildings are similar.